Why the mass teacher exodus will benefit your business Teachers around the country are leaving the world of education behind; not because they lack skills and experience, but because they have all the skills and …

New Work
& My Teaching During a Pandemic Dry Spell I don’t know how I thought that I could balance teaching, writing, photographing, and advertising with self-care, healthy eating, working out, and trying to find a little …

Bad Boys
Not just a stereotype I swear most people go through a bad boy (or girl) stage sometime in high school. According to my friend, Melissa, I have a “thing” for bad boys. And maybe I …

The Artist
Character Inspiration for Mikah Lee For those that have read the story, you’ve met Mikah. (If you haven’t, I’m not giving too much away, so this won’t spoil much or anything of the plot.) Mikah …

ALL are welcome here
A digression from the usual whimsy In my classroom I have a sign that I lettered that says simply: All are Welcome HERE. It’s in my art classroom. It’s not big, created on a ruined …

Character Characteristics
Using personality tests for character development As a resident advisor in college, I had to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. Every year, we took this test. I also took it the two years I …

Nerd Confessions
A 3-part journey of discovery Part 1: Survival I was a child of wild imagination. I had imaginary friends, I came up with stories for my 100 stuffed animals, and I dressed up at least …

Ordering is Live!
How you get your copy of GBLM Before I set up the link to buy my book, I want to explain the process behind it. I find it fascinating, and even though you may not …

An ode to the most delightful people During these past few weeks of the stay home executive order, I have done my job to help keep the economy afloat by purchasing many delightful treats. Namely, …

Bruises and muddy knees
The art of older brothers When I started Gretchen’s story, I knew I had to include older brothers to the mix. We write what we know, from what we’ve experienced. That’s why the story was …